NaNoWrimo My Way



I have done 2 Nano’s like a rebel, mostly to build a daily writing habit. Which I will say it did.

The problem is I write a lot, usually every day, but I don’t publish. I’m also working to start writing and putting out fiction.

Most writers have trunk novels, short stories that aren’t quite where they want them.

Not me.

I have close to 3 million words journaled. Probably thousands “planning”.

How much-published fiction or even nonfiction?

Not much. Horrifyingly when I went to see how many actual posts I had on my blog. Mind you the blog I have had for 2 years, at least.

Three posts. Holy hell, not good. Surely if I can journal daily, I can make time to start creating things. You’d think.

The worst part of all the 3 million words is there’s all kinds of stuff buried in there that I need to try and find. Ummmm…I did say I’m older in another post. Well, I love handwriting. Problem with handwriting???

How the heck do you get that many words onto the computer? Without taking a million hours or breaking the bank? Ummmm…you don’t. So I’m slowly…very slowly working my way through the journals, creating an index and grabbing things for my writing.

Why did I decide to do NaNo?

I’m trying to build a publishing habit.

The first 2 NaNos helped me build a writing habit. Now I have to get out of just writing and journaling and start publishing.

So I’m doing a NaNo rebel, I’m only counting prep-plotting words and any fiction writing. Nonfiction word counts will be blogging or something that is published out there for people to see. I don’t plan to start a nonfiction book this month.

What is a NaNo win?

As long as I have 50,000 words of fiction and published nonfiction at the end of the month that will make this a win. So I plan to keep the blog updated with how I do, and what the word counts are. I’m going to try to update this on Mondays.

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