Where do you start:
I want to write my book, but the problem I keep running into is where do you start?
Do I start with a character? Plot? World or what? It sounds easy, just write. Right???
Not so much. Especially when you have spent 6 years avoiding writing by reading massive quantities of books on how to write. I have an idea of what the genre will be or kinda do. The game plan is a mash-up of Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Romance.
I’m sure once you get the first book done, it will get easier. Or I sure as hell hope so.
The funny thing is I have it up in my head, but getting it down on paper I’m having all kinds of problems and blocks. I’m sure fear is a major part of it.
By the way, I have the lovely experience of being afraid of both success and failure. Which leaves you up shit creek without a paddle.
Most creatives have the problem of lack of support from family and friends. Not me. My husband and kids (5 out of 6 kids) keep asking when are you going to start your book. In fact, that’s what brought this post up. My husband and I own a collectibles shop and last night on the way home he asked me AGAIN when are you going to start your book.
Then, the love of my life, reminds me I’m running against the clock. I’m 44 almost 45 years old. It’s irritating when he’s right, which he usually is…We won’t tell him that. He also has the ability to cut through all bull shit and get to the truth. Always lovely when you’re reminded that your mortality is running out.
All the choices available are almost paralyzing. At the same time, I have all the people running around in my head saying get the lead out and put us on the page already. We need to be realized. We want to have our day in the sun.
Update on my writing journey:
Becoming a day person:
I am working to get up earlier, with the help of my loving hubby. Today I got up at 09:00. Tomorrow the game plan is to get up with him somewhere between 05:30-06:00.
Putting out a post each day:
So far I have put out posts every other day…So progress. I do know since I started creating my posts I’m being overwhelmed by ideas of what I can talk about.
Which makes things interesting, since according to everyone you need to niche down and pick one topic. I think I am going to keep this as a catch-all for what I am learning both in writing and life.
Goals & Accountability:
- Write at least one blog post on this site daily.
- Work on world-building or getting words on the page.
- Do at least one freewrite daily.
I am going to document the life journey here, stay tuned…
If you made it all the way to the bottom of the post GREAT because it’s kinda rambly.
Wrap up:
I still am working to figure out where do you start.
I’m not sure if this confusion will help anyone, or if anyone has the same problem…
If you do or you have a solution PLEASE let me know in the comments.